
Showing posts from December, 2019

Last day of class for 2019

Good Afternoon SJA Families! This is our last blog post for 2019!  I want to thank you all for the support so far this year. I know grade 4 has been a bit of a jump and a big change from last year and the students have all worked very hard in 1st term and I am sure will continue to work just as hard in 2020! I appreciate all your hard work in this transition period into grade 4 and I know how lucky I am to have such wonderful parents helping out in room 14! I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays as well as all the best in 2020! See you all in the new year...  Today we had our spelling test this morning and we continued with reading with our reading buddies. We had a house game this morning and we also had a chance to play holiday hangman in french!  The afternoon was filled with fun games in Ms Samule's class and we even had a visitor from Ms Hayward who read us the story of The Nutcracker! Check us out below playing Holiday Bingo and read...

Day 6!

Good afternoon SJA parents!  Tomorrow is bake sale and Christmas spirit day. Students can come to school dress in   red ,   green , white, pjs, closthes, costumes etc. Students who are not participating are asked to come to school in their full school day uniforms.  Also, tomorrow we will be having a class Holiday Party. If you would like to bring in a treat for the class, we ask that you ensure that it is peanut and tree nut free. Before your child leaves for Holiday Break, please remind them that they will need to take home all their belongings (uniform pieces, outdoor gear, etc.) to ensure that the school can be properly cleaned over the holidays and so that they are not losing any of their personal items.  Tomorrow is our last spelling test of 2019! Grade 4 List Words - Lesson List Words beginning humming dropped sitting slipping joggers grabbing bobbing tripped padded skimming scrubbing winners outfitted ...

Day 4

Good Afternoon SJA familes, Language Today in language we worked on spelling lesson 15, because our last day of school is Thursday our spelling test this week will be writing our test on Thursday morning instead. UOI Today in UOI  we continued to explore the Jewish faith. We read about the Jewish faith and celebrations as well as what is important in the Jewish holidays and traditions. Today was or dress Rehearsals and we are ready for tomorrows show(s)! Reminders Tomorrow students are to come in the gym uniform and wear gym shorts underneath the SJA gym pants and the grey or the white SJA gym t-shirt is to be worn underneath the costume. Please make sure that students have the appropriate colored socks- navy blue or black only. Tomorrows 1st performance is at  1pm and the evening show is at 6.30pm, students are asked to be in class by 5.15pm - 5.30 at the latest tomorrow evening. Homework Spelling due Wednesday Spelling test Thursday Read 30 min. 


Happy Friday SJA families! Math Today we began learning about our new unit in math, we have started to explore different graphs and about the mean and mode of data. We will continue exploring data as we grow in this unit. For homework I have assigned number 2,3,5 in the textbook on page 162 and page 66 and 67 in the workbook. Language Today in language we continued exploring how to write a journal recount. I have handed out a page for students to keep and to help them when writing a recount. Please see our notes below. Unit Of Inquiry Today in UOI we continued exploring world religions and began learning about Judaism. We read about Abraham and the Ten Commandments and will continue next week. In the afternoon we had a full rehearsal and spent our day in the dome. Please remember Monday is our full dress rehearsal and we will spend most of our day going back and forth to and from the dome. Homework Math textbook pg 162 #2,3,5 and workbook page 66 and 67 ...

Day 1!

Good Morning SJA Families, Today we started our day with reading buddies with Ms Blair's SK class. Great start to our day and we also had the chance to congratulate the SK's on the wonderful performance yesterday! Language Today in language we began learning about writing recounts and what it means to write a recount of something that already took please. Students were asked to come up ideas and brainstorm a topic to write about in their yellow notebooks to make use of all the notes we made together in class. Unit of Inquiry Today in UOI we continued working on our art and getting it ready for our big showcase! We also took some time today to finish decorating our door! Check it out below. *** Christmas Concert rehearsals will take place all week - Students have been asked to wear a house hoodie over the uniform as we will be going in and out of the dome and it can be very cold *** Homework Grammar and spelling due tomorrow Language recount ...

Day 6!

Good Morning SJA families, Language Today in language we continued working on our spelling and grammar that is due Wednesday morning. Unit of Inquiry Today we spent a lot of our time on UOI trying to get out art pieces just right! We are almost finished and almost ready to hand them outside our classroom to showcase for all to see! Today we got a chance to go see the JK-2 concert! Fantastic job all teachers and students ! There is no homework today except to read for 30 minutes before bed.

Day 5!

Happy Monday! Math Today was our unit 9 math test. Test have been completed and are almost marked and ready to be handed back. Language Today in Language we worked on spelling lesson 14. Test will be on Friday and we will have a quick review of our grammar lessons on Wednesday. I apologize, I forgot to post the spelling words to the blog post- this post has been updated and the words can now be found below Unit of Inquiry Today in UOI we explored a Stary Night painting and its meaning to Christianity. We have also started working on our own art work to resemble a Stary night and will be finishing up tomorrow! Cant wait for you all to see it. Homework Spelling due Wednesday Spelling test Friday ** Reminder - anyone in choir is required to come dressed in casual festive clothing for tomorrows performance ***

Day 4!

Happy Friday Today we spent most of our day getting ready for our Math test on Monday. A full review has been sent home along with extra area worksheets and circumference worksheets to ensure students are ready ans confident on Monday. We has library today as well and we also had a chance to watch an episode of Anne of Green Gables with Ms Samuel class! A written assignment has been sent home for this weekend for students to work on. Thank you Mr Oliver for letting us borrow your music room today to get some extra practice in for he Christmas concert ! We are looking better and better each time!

Day 3!

Happy Thursday SJA family !  Math Today in math we worked on more math review for our test on Monday. For homework I have handed out a worksheet to practice circumference as that will be a part of the test on Monday. Unit of Inquiry In UOI today we looked at Christian symbols and what is important to Christians in the religion. We also read a story about the birth of Jesus and we are working on summarizing why Christmas is important. Homework Math worksheet Spelling test tomorrow  Read 30 minutes  All about Christmas worksheet Math test tomorrow 

Day 1!

Today was our reading buddies day! Check us out reading below  Math: Today in math we continue to get ready for the test coming up on Monday. Today we finished up our SWYK from the textbook and began review number one and we will continue with it tomorrow in class and we will also be taking up the SWYK review.  Language: Spelling and grammar are due tomorrow. Students have been asked to write a one page story using 10 spelling words from this week. I will collect this on Thursday.  We also had some time today to work on our Christmas concert. We had a chance to go to the dome and get up on stage and rehearse with microphones.  Homework: Math review first 2 pages  Spelling and grammar due tomorrow  Language story due Thursday  Friday will be the spelling test and french test. 

Day 6

Happy snowy Monday!  Congratulations to our new Star of the week! This morning we had our visitor scientist Kathy!!  Check us out below  Language Today we worked on our lesson 12 in spelling. See the list words below. We also worked on our grammar lesson 4. Grammar and spelling are due on Wednesday and our spelling test is on Friday. Unit of Inquiry Today in UOI we continued to learn about Christianity and explored the different festivals in Christianity. Check below for a list of notes we made in our UOI binders. Tomorrow we will continue to explore about the religion. Homework  Math review from Thursday  Language Spelling due Wednesday  Grammar due Wednesday