
Showing posts from September, 2019

Day 6!

Happy Friday !!!  In Language today we had our third spelling test. Students working on grade 4 spelling wrote in our class and students who are working on spelling grade 5 wrote in Ms Samuel's class.  In language we also continued reading Anne of Green Gables. Today we read chapter 14 and 15 and for homework this weekend students will be reading 16 and 17 and will complete the next worksheet in their novel study package.  In math, a package review of the concepts we have been learning so far this week in class has been sent home for homework and extra practice.  In UOI students had a chance to finish up their pizza box projects where they mapped out all the physical regions of Canada with the distinct properties that are found in each area. A short quiz will be handed out on Monday where students will be given a map of Canada and asked to label the great lakes and oceans bordering Canada. Students are expected to study for homework this weekend....

Day 5

Happy Wacky Thursday!! Thank you to everyone who participated and came in today wearing wacky outfits, had wacky hair and even wacky face paint.  Today we had a very special visitor in our class! Ms Hayward was here! She brought chrome books and presented to us about the importance of Orange Shirt Day coming up on  Monday. Today we got to learn all about the residential schools in Canada and the indigenous communities that suffered most from residential schools. Together as a class we did some research that included discovering how many people were affected by these schools, how many people died and when the last school was closed. The grade 4's have been chosen to do a small presentation at the morning announcements on Monday. We have started our preparation and have started writing down on orange letters some of the most important facts we want to share with the school.  In UOI we continued to work on our pizza boxes composing the physical regions of Canada ...

Day 4

Happy Ice Cream Sandwich Day!! Today in Math we continued to work on addition strategies but this time we used base ten blocks and base ten chart to help us put figure out how we can add large numbers together. See below some examples of us working in groups with our base ten blocks. Today in Language we continued to read Anne of Green Gables and are now moving on to chapter 12 and 13 in the novel. As a class we continued our discussion and talked about the novel so far and tried to make connecting about the world around us and other novels to Anne of Green Gables. Today we read chapter 12 as a class and chapter 13 was assigned for homework. Students were also asked to complete a worksheet titled travel tracer where they will outline the different locations Anne visits in this chapter and envision what they think that will look like.  In UOI we continue to work in our small groups and build our models of Canada and the Canadian Physical regions. We have now ...

Day 3!

Happy Tuesday In math today we continued to work on unit 2 but have moved on to the 2nd lesson in this unit where we are looking at using mental math to estimate in the sum of large numbers. Students were given class time to work together and solve some of the word problem in the textbook. Using real world scenarios to helps students to get a better understanding of the math concepts. Homework was assigned on page 33 of the textbook #3,4,5,6 and page 12 in the workbook.  In Language today we continued to read our novel and follow Anne's journey with Matthew and Marilla. Students were asked to share the questions they wrote down from last nights worksheets and we explored some possible scenarios together. We read chapter 10 as and students were asked to read chapter 11 for homework and complete the next worksheet in their package.  In UOI we began an activity that will have students working in small groups to prepare a visual of what the physical regions of Canada...

Day 2

Happy Monday ! Congratulations to our new star of the week ROHAAN !!! Today in Math class we started our new lesson in math unit 2! Today we reviewed comparing numbers and ordering number patterns. We looked at our place value chart as a class and learned how to write numbers in standard form, in words and expanded form. Students were given class time to work on page 30 #1-5 from the textbook and page 10 and 11 from he math makes sense workbook.  Language today we worked on spelling lesson 3. This will be due on Wednesday and the test for this lesson will be on Friday morning. We also read chapter 9 in Anne of Green Gables as a class and will be completing the 2nd Anne Of Green Gables worksheet  from our novel study package.  Unit Of Inquiry we continued to work on learning the different regions of Canada, In small groups we are making notes about each region. We have been reviewing them together as a group to ensure notes are properly taken and that we a...

Day 1!

Happy Friday!  Today in Math we completed our math unit 2 pre test. All test from yesterday have been sent home and are to be signed and brought back by Monday morning.  In Language we continued to work on Anne of Green Gables and we read chapters 6,7,8 (any chapters not completed in class are to be read for homework). Students were given the new AGG package and we went over it as a group so that everyone knows the expectations. Page one of the package is due on Monday. We also completed our 2nd spelling test, and I have assigned a novel for Raz Kids.  In U.O.I we continue to explore the regions of Canada in small groups. Reading and making notes as a group and sometimes individually and then discussing as a class helps us to better understand the regions of Canada and what provinces they touch.  Homework Raz kids reading and worksheet UOI worksheet and notes Anne of Green Gables chapters 6,7,8 and worksheet to match.  PJ Day on...
We have a new star of the week today! Congratulations Arya for having a wonderful week and setting a great example for the class. As you may know I was away this morning and so the students had a substitute teacher and had a chance to catch up on math work and complete a 2nd practice worksheet to help practice for the test on Thursday. Students who have any questions left  are asked to complete them for homework as we will be having one final review tomorrow to answer any questions before the test Thursday. In Language we completed lesson two in our spelling book and it is now due tomorrow.  In UOI we worked in small groups where we read and filled out a worksheet about Canada. This work is not homework as we will finish it tomorrow as a group.  Homework Math SWYK Math worksheet Read for 20minutes  Practice UOI provinces and territories Spelling due tomorrow Spelling test Friday French fieldtrip forms due  Fall fundraiser...

Day 2!

Happy Friday! Today in math we extended our period to include some of our UOI time and really focus on the math concepts we have learned so far in this unit. Now that we have completed the last lesson we will be moving on to a review all this week to ensure students are ready for the math test later this week. Students were given a practice worksheet for homework to work on multiplying double digits and we had time in class to complete the SWYK in the textbook. In Language we completed our spelling test.  In UOI we focused on Terry Fox and his journey throughout Canada. We read up on some of the places that Terry Fox walked or ran though in Canada.  Homework Math SWYK Read for 20minutes  Practice UOI  French fieldtrip forms due  BBQ night forms due 

Day 1!

Happy Thursday ! Welcome to Day 1! Today we did our Daily 5 reading with our reading buddies ! Check below to see us all reading together.  Today in math we worked on lesson 4 in our first unit. Students had a chance to explore some questions about input and output and use different tactics to solve each problem. Once our math lesson was completed students had class time to work on page 18 and 19 in the textbook questions 1, 2 and 7. Page 8 and 9 in the workbook was assigned as extra practice for homework.  In Language we continued to practice our spelling words to prepare for our lesson one spelling test tomorrow morning.  In UOI we focused on Terry Fox and his journey throughout Canada. Students were given a map and asked to trace his journey while labeling all the provinces he went to and also the one he intended to see as well. For homework students were asked to look over their maps and continue to practice naming the provinces an...
Happy Wednesday !!!  Today in Math we worked on lesson 3 in our unit Number Patterns. We reviewed what an operation and Pattern Rule is and also completed and created several charts using input and output numbers. In math class we also went over creating our own input and output charts and identifying pattern rules in different output number. In class students had time to work on page 12 and 13 in the text book number 1c, 2 and 4. For homework, students were assigned page 6 and 7 in math makes sense.   Today in Language students wrote a postcard to their parents identifying and explain what they now know and have learned so far about Canada and its regions. No homework was assigned for language other than independent reading.  In UOI I had all the maps in the class covered and had students come up to label each province and territory to see who can identify each one. We also played a bingo like game that focused on questio...

Day 5 !

Happy Tuesday !  Congratulations to our very first STAR OF THE WEEK!!!!!!  Today in Math we worked on lesson 2 in our unit Number Patterns. We reviewed what an operation and Pattern Rule is and also completed and created several charts using input and output numbers. In math class we also went over multiplication and division strategies and will continue to review and practice these tomorrow. In class students had time to work on page 11 in the text book number 1,3 and 4a. For homework as extra practice students were assigned page 4 and 5 in their Math Makes Sense workbook. All work will be checked tomorrow.  In Language we began discussing Anne Of Green Gables and read a little bit about Anne and what the book is going to be about. Students were given a worksheet and asked to use their imagination to express what they think Anne looks like. Check below to see us all in the reading corner going over some ideas about Anne and what we know about PEI...

Day 3!

Happy Friday everyone! Have a wonderful weekend && see you all on Monday morning.  Today in Language we did a quick review of note taking and summary writing/ quoting/ paraphrasing. As a group we worked together to describe what it means to quote something, summarize something and paraphrase something; once we had a good idea of what each one meant and the difference between the three we created a chart to add to our language wall that will help us when describing what each one means. Once the chart was completed student were given a small worksheet with samples of writing and asked to paraphrase each one underneath. Anything that was not finished was sent to homework.  Today in U.O.I we began discussing Canada and created a title page for our U.O.I binder. Anything that was not finished in class is now homework.  In Math we began unit 1, Number Patterns and went over what input, output, operation and pattern rules are and how...