Day 2

Happy Monday !
Congratulations to our new star of the week ROHAAN !!!

Today in Math class we started our new lesson in math unit 2! Today we reviewed comparing numbers and ordering number patterns. We looked at our place value chart as a class and learned how to write numbers in standard form, in words and expanded form. Students were given class time to work on page 30 #1-5 from the textbook and page 10 and 11 from he math makes sense workbook. 

Language today we worked on spelling lesson 3. This will be due on Wednesday and the test for this lesson will be on Friday morning. We also read chapter 9 in Anne of Green Gables as a class and will be completing the 2nd Anne Of Green Gables worksheet  from our novel study package. 

Unit Of Inquiry we continued to work on learning the different regions of Canada, In small groups we are making notes about each region. We have been reviewing them together as a group to ensure notes are properly taken and that we are understanding the differences and similarities between the regions of Canada. 

Math makes sense workbook page 10 and 11
Math textbook page 30 #1-5
Spelling due Wednesday 
Spelling test Friday 
Anne of Green Gables worksheet #2
Fall Fundraiser forms  


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