
Showing posts from October, 2019

Day 4!

Happy Halloweeeeennnnnnn from the grade 4's!  Math: Today in math we explored mass and capacity. We will continue this lesson tomorrow and will finish the in class work tomorrow. No Math homework was assigned as it is anticipated students will be out trick or treating tonight.  We also took some time to work on a money practice activity related to Halloween... check us out below!  Language:  Our spelling test is tomorrow morning. Please see list words below. Check us out below as we have some quiet daily 5 reading time ! Grade 4 spelling words              Grade 5 spelling words  1. Carton                                    1. Feather  2. Heart                                      2. Sweater 3. Sports...

Day 3

Happy Wednesday !  Math: Today in math we explored capacity, now that we are all familiar  with volume we began learning about capacity and the space a liquid  or gas takes up in a container. Together we conducted an experiment in math that helped us to solve the volume of an item by using capacity. Homework was assigned on page 88 and 89 of workbook. Remember, Volume measure the space an object occupies while capacity measure the liquids and gasses and the containers that hold them.  Language:  Our spelling test will be on Friday. Grade 4 spelling words              Grade 5 spelling words  1. Carton                                    1. Feather  2. Heart                                   ...
Congratulations to the winners of the beavers den contest! Aashyra, Rohaan and Aydan have won the contest and been awarded the one million dollars to use for Provincial development in Quebec! Great job team!!!  Math: Today in math we explored volume and how much space items  take up in the room. Students had time to work together using small cubes and different strategies to explore how much volume certain items take up in class. Textbook work was assigned on page 212 #1, 2 a and d, and #6 and in the workbook on page 83 and 84. Language:  Our spelling is due tomorrow and the spelling test will be on Friday. Grade 4 spelling words              Grade 5 spelling words  1. Carton                                    1. Feather  2. Heart                      ...

Day 1!

"This is your life, do what you love and do it often" - Holstee Manifesto Math: Today in math we did a quick review of the different lessons from last week. We specifically reviewed measuring from ML to L  and money (the different dollar notes and coins in Canada and providing change). Students were given extra time to ask me any questions outstanding from last week they had with in class work or homework and were encouraged to finish any outstanding work not completed today in class. Language: Today in language students were tasked with completing lesson 8 of the spelling book. Please find spelling words below. Students also had a chance to  meet with their reading buddies and read a story for the daily 5 reading today. Grade 4 spelling words              Grade 5 spelling words  1. Carton                                  ...

Day 3!

Today in math we moved on to lesson two in new unit measurement. Today we looked at measuring distance. We did a small experiment where students were broken up into two groups, created a ramp using construction paper, textbooks and a ruler. Students were tasked with rolling a marble down the ramp and timing how long it would take to reach each point marked on the meter stick. In bringing the math activity out of the textbook and into the real world students were able to visually see the pattern and able to apply the same strategies they used in the activity to the homework practice questions. Students were asked to complete questions 1-5 on page 199 of the textbook an page  78 and 79 of the workbook.  In Language today we continued to work on our spelling - due tomorrow - and practicing for our spelling test on Friday.  In Unit Of Inquiry today we began our presentation. Check some of the photos below to see our work! Homework...

Day 2

Happy Monday! Welcome to another week in our grade 4 class...  Today we started the day off with math. We began our new unit 6 Measurement today. We looked at measuring time; we used small clocks and a large calendar to help us tell what the days are in a month and what the time is in day but also how can we convert it to SI notation. See below for homework and practice questions.  In Language we continued to work on our Anne of Green Gables summary package to conclude our first novel study of the year. Students had one hour to work on it in class today and time at the end of the day, if it is not yet completed it can be done so for homework and handed in tomorrow morning. We also had some time to work on our Spelling lesson 7 due Wednesday and our test will be Friday.  Our UOI summatives will be presented tomorrow in class in the afternoon. students will have so time to review and practice and presentations will happen in...