Good afternoon SJA parents! Happy Friday 😃

Today the grade 4s completed their Data Management Assignment. They conducted a survey about the religious demographic of students and teachers in grades 1-5. For this assignment, the grade 4s are being challenged to collect data, create graphs, and interpret their findings using concepts and terminology learned throughout the unit. 

Today in language  the grade 4s continued to work on their speeches. Some students have begun their third paragraph (subtopic 2). Here are a few things that we considered during our conferencing period:

- proper punctuation, sentence structure, and grammar
- voice and style - develop a distinct tone the sets your writing/speech apart from others
- defining unknown terms - help your audience develop their vocabulary 
- descriptive language - don't give all the details away, build up to it, make it exciting/interesting
- formatting - in order to meet the time requirement (3-5 mins) consider the length of each paragraph 

The grade 4s are encouraged to visit their local library to collect books, videos, etc. that will help them to continue to develop their speech. Please ensure that your child brings any research materials in order to continue working on their speech. 

Today in UOI we learned continued to learn about Buddhism and we watched a quick video about Buddha and his search for enlightenment. We continued to practice meditation. Check out or photos below.

Spelling test tomorrow
Math assignment day tomorrow
UOI Buddhist symbol and festival worksheets ready for tomorrow 

 Here are a few updates:
Tomorrow is Friday - please don't forget to wear your house tie. 

Aftercare invoices were sent out at the beginning of the month. All invoices were to be paid by Jan. 15th. 

February Lunches - The lunch site is now open. It will close Wednesday, January 22nd at 3:00 pm. Special of the month: Chicken Stir Fry is available every Friday. All payments are to be made through quickbooks by February 6th. 
***  Important message below ***  

Dear SJA Families, 

Just a reminder that the SJA re-registration process is underway. To reserve your child’s 2020-2021 place at St. Jude’s Academy, complete and return your child’s re-registration forms and payment to Reception by Tuesday, February 18, 2020 at 4:00 pm.

After this date and time, any available grade-level spaces will be open to new families on waitlists.

In addition, the deadline for our  priority enrolment into our JK Program is Friday, January 17, 2020, a letter is attached with more information.

If you have any questions regarding the forms or next steps, please contact our Admissions Team.

The SJA Admissions Team
Ann Harvey and Melissa Filion
T: (905) 814-0277

Dear SJA Community,

We look forward to seeing you at the SJA Town Hall/Social on January 24 from 7 to 9 pm.  All parent/guardians of JK to Grade 12 students are invited to hear about our exciting school year, survey result and future direction. To help us plan for this event, RSVP by January 17 to . We look forward to seeing you there!

Mr. Foster’s Farmers Market and Ms. Gandy’s Groceries

As part of their summative assessment the grade one classes have decided to open a market to complement their organization unit. The market will include fruits, vegetables, drinks and other healthy snacks. It will be held in rooms 12 and 18. The market will take place all day Thursday, January 23rd and Friday, January 24th. All profits made will be donated to the Ronald McDonald House.


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